Making the switch to Rentopian: Event Rental Software

event rental management software

If you are an event rental business owner or manager and want to increase your business’ profitability while decreasing your overhead, then you need a proven event rental software that will help manage your business’ inventory, quotes, orders, contracts, payments, and more. Since Rentopian’s founding date in 2016, our team has spoken to thousands of event industry professionals- from event planners, florists, to actual event rental business operators. One question we make sure to ask almost all event industry professionals is, “What is one aspect of your business that consumes an exponential amount of valuable time? What’s the one thing you do that as you’re doing it, you’re thinking about something more productive you could be focusing on instead?”. While the answers vary, the most typical answers we receive are in relation to inventory management, online payments, and contract management.

Before you began in the event rental industry, you probably didn’t consider how much manual labor this line of work requires. Whether you’re doing it yourself or have a team to delegate to, meeting with event rental clients, setting up and picking up from venues, and then performing maintenance on your event rental inventory does east up a significant amount of time. While there may be tools to help you perform the manual tasks quickly and easily, you’re still not able to automate most of your labor. 

However, the aspects of your business that don’t necessarily require manual labor can easily be 100% automated. Throughout the years, we’ve come to find that the key success factor for event rental businesses is creating processes that work FOR you, not against you, and then automating those processes as much as possible. Using Rentopian’s all-in-one event rental software, you’re able to automate your entire event rental business process from initial quote creation, order return, and beyond. Here is a snapshot of some features that will help with automation:

Real-time Inventory Availability

The first and likely the most crucial area that you will need to automate to run your event rental business smoothly is being able to keep accurate counts of inventory at all times. Rentopian offers access to real-time availability whether it’s by a monthly, daily, or hourly booking rate. You’re able to see all of your inventory items in one place, whether they’re in quotes you’ve already sent or orders that are rented out. Having an overview of all your items, no matter where they are in the booking process allows you to provide fast and accurate rental quotes to potential clients within seconds. 

Inventory Availability


Website Integration 

Rentopian’s advanced WordPress plugin allows you to sync your product information, images, and more with your event rental website. The plugin allows visitors to easily search and browse your online inventory, and place orders or quotes. The real-time synchronization between your Rentopian account and your event rental company’s storefront (website), makes sure all changes in inventory counts are automatically reflected on your website, and vice-versa. 


The pandemic in 2020 brought with it the need for businesses to go touchless, contactless, and paperless. As the world moves to a fully digital landscape, so should your event rental business. Rentopian offers comprehensive electronic signature solutions that simplify the way you run your business and drastically cut down on your workload. You’re able to easily create and auto-generate contracts using standard contract terms or customized text. Electronic signatures simplify the process of signing contracts, and using a service such as DocuSign, Digisigner, or Rentopian’s in-house signature service means important documents become legally binding even when digitally signed or initialed with just a few clicks or taps.

Online Payments 

One of the greatest time-consuming tasks that most event rental company owners dread doing is requesting and collecting payments for quote deposits and order balances. Rentopian offers four different payment gateway integrations including Stripe,, Square, and PayJunction to accept payments quickly and efficiently, manage your business like a professional, and charge clients for quotes, orders, and services. With our all-inclusive features, you’ll be able to minimize refund requests and get paid faster. You can also review past transactions, make deposits, amend the rate or add special charges, and accept payments both on your website and through your Rentopian account. Your clients will enjoy an easy-to-use page where they can pay you on a 24/7 basis with a secure checkout process.

online payments


Rentopian is the leading event rental software that automates all of the necessary aspects of running an effective event rental business. Using our comprehensive and robust features along with a user-friendly interface, you’re able to seamlessly manage and grow your event rental business. What will you do with the amount of time you’ll save by automating the most time-consuming aspects of your event rental business? Schedule a free demo and sign up for a 2-week trial to find out! Contact us at [email protected] for more information.